Book Configuration
In your new Hyperbook project you will find a hyperbook.json
This file is for configuring Hyperbook. Here is a list of options you
can and part wise must set (indicated by a *).
Property | Description |
name* | Name of your Hyperbook. Used for the page header. |
description | Description of your Hyperbook. Used for SEO. |
search | Allows searching your hyperbook |
logo | URL to a logo. Used for the page title. Can be relative to the public folder or an absolute URL | | Author name of your Hyperbook. Used in the footer. |
author.url | Used to link the author name in the footer. |
font | URL to a font. Used for headings and body. You can add ":90%" for adjusting the font size. |
fonts.heading | URL to a font. Used for headings. You can add ":90%" for adjusting the font size. |
fonts.body | URL to a font. Used for body. You can add ":90%" for adjusting the font size. |
fonts.code | URL to a font. Used for code. You can add ":90%" for adjusting the font size. |
colors.brand | The color for the header and the accents for example on links. |
colors.brandDark | The color for the header and the accents for example on links, if the user prefers a dark theme. Brand text is not used for the dark theme. |
colors.brandText | The color for the text in the header |
basePath | When deploying to a subdirectory, for example on GitHub pages, you can set a base path. |
license | License under the Hyperbook is published. |
language | The language of the Hyperbook. |
repo | The link to the GitHub repo. Used for showing an edit button. The %path% placeholder will be replaced by the current path or the current path will be appended. |
repo.url | The link to the repo. Used for showing an edit button. The %path% placeholder will be replaced by the current path or the current path will be appended. |
repo.label | The label for the repo link. |
elements | Here you can configure the elements. See the element pages for configuration options. |
links | Here you can add custom links, which will be shown in the top right corner. See the example below on how to use them. |
styles | Here you can add Links to custom CSS files. |
scripts | Here you can add links to custom JavaScript files. |
allowDangerousHtml | Allow HTML. This can lead to incompatibilities in future versions. |
qrcode | Shows an icon, which opens a qr code to the current page. |
trailingSlash | Outputs all files into ther own folders and produces only index.html files. |
importExport | Allows to import and export the state of the Hyperbook as a file. Buttons for importing and exporting will be at the bottom of the page. |
Here is an example configuration: